Construction Site Injuries

Construction site accidents kill and injure hundreds of thousands of workers each year. Working at a construction site is one of the most dangerous occupations in the United States. Injured individuals often feel no recovery is available outside of the limited remedies of workers’ compensation. However, there are other sources for recovery.

Construction companies must inspect each site with safety engineers and provide safety programs, but unfortunately accidents still occur due to the inadequacy of these provisions.

When a construction site accident occurs, the owners, architects, insurance companies and manufacturers of equipment can be held responsible for inadequate safety provisions. The general contractor and all subcontractors are required to provide a reasonably safe site, to warn of hazards inherent in the site and work, to hire careful employees, to coordinate job safety and to supervise compliance with safety specifications.

Navigating the maze of third parties who might be responsible for a construction accident can be overwhelming. Grant Morain is experienced in identifying those third parties – like manufacturers, contractors, subcontractors and others – to obtain compensation for his clients.

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